

Definition: The Ed-Fi solution is a data standard combined with a free tool suite developed by the Ed-Fi Alliance with funding from the Michael and Susan Dell Foundation . The data standard includes a unifying data model (UDM) and a data exchange framework, which enable education agencies to integrate information from a broad range of existing sources. The tool suite includes an application framework and a dashboard starter kit, enabling the development of rich dashboard systems that provide permission-based insights into detailed student level data. (Ed-Fi Alliance, http://www.ed-fi.org/about-the-ed-fi-alliance/faqs/)

What it Means: Numerous states are adopting the Ed-Fi standard for state data collection. The use of the standard is being promoted as a way of standardizing data across states to aid in comparative analyses. In addition, the use of the Ed-Fi data standards makes it easier to implement Ed-Fi dashboards and other applications supported by the Ed-Fi Alliance.


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