Every SEA submits EDFacts data annually to the United States Department of Education. In addition, every SEA has multiple years of submission files in exactly the same format. The problem is that SEAs have a delay of up to two years before they are able to graphically view the data they submitted under the current system in ED-Data Express. Unfortunately, the data are far less meaningful at that age, and often, the data are neither viewed nor utilized at the SEA, LEA, or school levels as a result. During this seminar, you will discover that EDFacts D&A is a powerful tool that provides graphically enhanced, meaningful, and timely dashboards and visualizations to better understand 5 years of EDFacts data to help inform decisions.
Click here to acccess ESP’s Tableau visualizations https://public.tableau.com/profile/esp.edfacts.d.a#!/.
#ESPTwiminar7.1: Follow & respond to tweets w/ #EDFacts data insights, uses of EDFacts data & graphic views of EDFacts data. #EDFactsDandA
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) January 6, 2017
#ESPTwiminar7.2: #EDFacts Dashboards & Analytics is a set of 15 workbooks & 78 #dashboards displaying your #EDFacts data in a timely way.
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) January 6, 2017
#ESPTwiminar7.3: Any #SEA can utilize #EDFactsDandA, #EDFacts Shared State Solution #ES3 partner or not. #tableau #dashboards
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) January 6, 2017
#ESPTwiminar7.4: SEAs can view data not yet submitted to the #EDFacts Submission System & their #EDFacts submissions from the past 5 years.
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) January 6, 2017
#ESPTwiminar7.5: View the complete set of #EDFactsDandA #dashboards with a sample set of #data at https://t.co/KX4uwU3AUX. #tableau
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) January 6, 2017
#ESPTwiminar7.6: #EDFactsDandA #visualizations feature overarching questions from SEA’s #EDFacts data and possible actions for each report.
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) January 6, 2017
#ESPTwiminar7.7: #EDFactsDandA #visualizations may be shared across SEAs, LEAs, and schools at no additional cost.
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) January 6, 2017
#ESPTwiminar7.8: #ISInsight is a tool to identify and document the data sources for each #EDFacts submission https://t.co/l4wc4wTxlj.
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) January 6, 2017
#ESPTwiminar7.9: #EDFactsDandA utilizes #Tableau as its Business Intelligence #BI tool. #businessintelligence #dashboards #visualizations
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) January 6, 2017
#ESPTwiminar7.10: #EDFacts reporting is no longer a one-way street. Get actionable feedback immediately upon submission of #EDFacts files!
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) January 6, 2017
#ESPTwiminar7.11: Collect your completion badge https://t.co/zXhR5Xepf9 and checkout our EDFactsDandA visualizations https://t.co/UX6PeQQQ8A
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) January 6, 2017