
We have two goals when de-identifying the records within a database. Simultaneously, we intend to: remove the personally identifiable characteristics of individuals, and retain the integrity of the records for analysis and reporting. As soon as we set out to establish the business rules for de-identifying individual records, the paradox of these goals becomes apparent. The message in this paper about de-identification is: do it with full knowledge of the degradation of the research and analytic value of the database; do it at the least disturbed level allowable; or better yet, don’t do it. The twiminar discusses how to de-identify databases and mask small cells in reports. Polititech is introduced as the data governance process of managing the political and technology issues related to information systems, including de-identification.

Click here to read the complete white paper on De-Mystifying De-Identification.

Click here to read the complete white paper on De-Mystifying De-Identification.