#ESPTwiminar1–Action Reports: Actions Speak Louder than Data

Is the amount of data available to you these days daunting? Are there now too many reports, also? Here’s help getting the right data in the right report to respond to your real questions and to inform your looming decisions. These reports might even indicate the best action to take. Actionable reports convert data into visualizations and insights that inform a decision and enlighten the appropriate action to take. This seminar summarizes best practices for delivering actionable reports. The process to follow and the systems approach to defining questions, actions, and required data are presented and discussed. After this seminar, you will approach all future analytics and reports with a focus and purpose that will result in their getting either the most clicks and/or being the most dog-eared—depending upon the media you embrace.

CLICK HERE to access the Optimal Reference Guide, Actions Speak Louder than Data.